About Me

Dear Students and Parents,


Hello! My name is Mrs. Robinson and I am extremely happy to have you in one of my classes. I am a veteran teacher who has been named as a Centennial Teacher of the Year, a member of the Rand Teacher Panel, a school leader, the adviser for FBLA and 21st Century Leaders, IB CAS Coordinator, and a member of several professional organizations. Yes, I am busy, but my most profound joy comes from teaching my students. You will find that I am well versed in the use of and the dissemination of technological knowledge and work preparations skills. My goal each day is the provide my students with the skills they will need to be prepared in the 21st century. I have planned an exciting and productive school year. Just know that I love to learn and teach!


My style of teaching is based on three things: setting high expectations for EVERY student, showing respect for ALL students and expecting respect in return, and last, but certainly not least, parental involvement. It is my belief that when parents and teachers work together a student can accomplish anything.


Our course website is www.robinsonmm.educatorpages.com. Parents, let me extend an invitation to contact me at school (470-254-4230 Ext. 44232) or via (e-mail: robinsonmm@fultonschools.org) should you be concerned or are curious about your child’s progress in my class. If you would like to meet in person, my conferencing time is 2:40-3:50 p.m. on Thursdays or we can schedule a more convenient time. Please don’t feel that you need to wait for me to contact you should you wish to talk.


Students let’s begin!



Mrs. M. Robinson

Mrs. M. Robinson